Since 1963, Teen Challenge of Southern California has brought restoration and healing to tens of thousands of men and women trapped in drug and alcohol addiction, and hope to their concerned family members. 10 regional locations and eight strategically placed residential facilities throughout Southern and Central California serve as beacons of hope to those needing life-transformation. The Teen Challenge residential program continues to be one of the largest and most effective substance abuse recovery and prevention programs of its kind.
Teen Challenge is a non-profit organization that relies entirely on the generous donations, funding and volunteer efforts of both individuals and organizations throughout our communities in order to offer services at no cost to the individual. We know that community involvement and support is an essential component of recovery and necessary to providing services that address the specific needs of the communities involved.
Ours is a missional movement that unashamedly follows Christ, embraces servant leadership, and shares transforming grace.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

- We serve our students, churches, volunteers, supporters, and communities.
- We are ambassadors of a ministry of reconciliation.
- Personal growth and constant improvement are essential.
- Our lives teach more than our words.
- We are committed to Excellence.
- The Holy Spirit began and sustains this work.
- Life transformation is the reason for our existence.
No one is beyond the reach of Christ’s redemption.
- We rely on a peer-to-peer discipleship model.
- We guard our integrity.
- We highly value our supporters’ trust.
In response to concerns about changes now being instituted within the national Teen Challenge network of nearly 90 separate corporations, the leadership of Teen Challenge of Southern California (TCSC) has adopted the following Position Statement.
We are aware that some Teen Challenge corporations have chosen to modify their programs to add state licensed secular approaches.
These corporations, operating under the name “Teen Challenge”, do not require mandatory participation in the traditional Teen Challenge disciplines of Bible studies, prayer and chapel services
We believe this departure from Teen Challenge’s spiritual heritage puts the future effectiveness of the national ministry in jeopardy by opening the door to government subsidies and regulation, as well as legal and financial risks.
TCSC does not and will not support these changes.
The mission of TCSC is greater than addiction recovery. Life transformation is the reason for our existence
TCSC is committed to the founding vision of David Wilkerson – “We have found a power that captures a person more strongly than narcotics, but He captures only to liberate.”
TCSC has no plans, now or in the future, to deviate from our 55-year purpose to be a missional movement that unashamedly follows Christ, embraces servant leadership and shares transforming grace.